
Abstract Insecticides were aerially applied to 2 fields near Indianola, IA, using a Cessna 188 Ag-Truck. Treatments were replicated 3 times in each field in a RCB. On 25 Jul, field counts indicated 60 egg masses per 100 plants in Field 1 and 9 egg masses per 100 plants in Field 2. Insecticides were applied on 29 Jul; the 2nd application for the split Penncap M treatment was made on 9 Aug. Ten consecutive stalks in each plot were split on 29 Aug and the number of live larvae counted. Yields from each plot were taken from Field 1 by collecting corn ears from 35 ft of row (2 adjacent rows of 17.5 ft near the original 10 split stalks) on 19 Sep. Because of the unevenness of the plant population, ear yield per plant served as the basis for yield estimation. Ears were weighed, adjusted to 15.5% moisture, and extrapolated to bu/acre based on 22,000 plants per acre. Yields in Field 2 were taken with a combine on 30 Oct. The center 4 rows of each plot (approximately 0.55 acre) were harvested, weighed, and adjusted to 15.5% moisture. Yields were converted to bu/acre based on field measurements taken with a measuring wheel. Data were analyzed by using PROC ANOVA or PROC GLM procedures of SAS. Mean separation was accomplished using Fisher’s protected LSD procedure.

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