
According to the religion of Islam, all mankind and jinn are created to worship Allah (c.c.) and are tested in this regard, as they have been given sufficient intelligence and willpower, unlike other creatures. As in every test, it is natural to find winners and losers, likewise Allah (c.c.) tests all mankind and jinn to reward the winners and punish the losers. However, who will be rewarded with heaven for being successful in this test or who will be punished, is the matter that unknown to us in this life. As with all unseen matters, the revelation is the only source of information in this regard. First of all, in the holy Qur’an, which was sent down to the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) as the last interlocutor of the revelation, it is stated that those who fulfil the conditions of entering heaven are the ones who have good faith and good deeds. However, when it comes to the ones who are promised the paradise, apart from prophets, are the first Muhajirs (emigrant) and Ansars (helpers). There is no other person who promised the paradise. In hadiths, it is possible to find similarities with Quran: people who follow the rules, deserve the paradise or companions in Ridwan. However, different from the Quran, hadiths could promised some companions personally. When it comes to the question of which of the Companions are promised with the paradise, according to the information in the main sources of the Islamic disciplines and the common belief among the majority of the Muslims, are the first ten people known as “The Ten promised Paradise” ( al-Asharaa al-Mubasharun bi-l-Janna): Abu Bakr Abdullah b. Abu Kuhafe (dec. 13/634), Omer b. al-Hattab (dec. 23/644), Osman b. Affân (dec. 35/656), Ali b. Abu Talib (dec. 40/661), Talha b. Ubeydullah (dec. 36/656), Zubeyr b. Avvâm (dec. 36/656), Abdurrahman b. Avf (dec. 32/652), Sa‘d b. Abu Vakkas (dec. 55/675), Said b. Zayd (dec. 51/671) and Abu Ubeyde b. alCerrah (dec. 18/639). Although these ten people are famous that they are given glad tidings with paradise, it is not possible to say that only they have this virtue and the others do not have it in this world. Because when we look at the basic hadith sources, it is seen that besides these ten people, there are companions that are given glad tidings with paradise as well. However, there are certainly several reasons for the ten people to come to the fore in this regard, which is mentioned at the level that will be the subject of the religious book and conceptualised by a special name. There are two main purposes for conducting this research on this occasion. Firstly, when the relevant narrations are examined, it appears that the companions who are given glad tides by the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) are more than ten people, as well as to determine the background of these ten people and how they become famous in this regards. Secondly, it is to determine others who were given glad tides based on basic hadith sources, apart from mentioned companions. According to the first purpose of the research, when looking into the hadith interpreters and the scholars’ evaluation in this regard, especially Abu Dâvud and Tirmizi and some of the hadith scholars’ narration, it was reported in an authentic hadith narration that those people that are given glad tidings were all together and were given the glad tidings at the same time by the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). Another reason is that it is possible to say that the ten people, especially the four great Caliphs, are well-known companions among the others. Allah knows best about their virtue, but, it is commonly accepted that some of the companions are more outstanding than the others. Finally, it is not far to say that the negative attitude of Shia to most of the Ashara Mubashara and the reflex response to them from followers of sunnah contributed to the Ashara Mubashara to have such a reputation too. The second purpose of the research is based on the basic hadith sources that were clearly stated by the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) that thirty-four companions, including twenty-seven people from men and seven from women, were given glad tidings by the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) while they were living in this world or after their death. However, it is not possible to say that this is the exact number. Because the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) could possibly to give glad tidings to other companions as well, however, either this information has not been recorded, or the recorded sources are not credited for not having a reliable authentic source.

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