
The All-Wavelength Extended Groth Strip International Survey (AEGIS) team presents broadband spectral energy distributions (SEDs), from X-ray to radio wavelengths, for 71 galaxies spanning the redshift range 0.55-1.16 (⟨z⟩ ~ 0.7). Galaxies with secure redshifts are selected from a small (22 arcmin2) subsection of the Keck/DEIMOS Galaxy Redshift Survey in the Extended Groth Strip field that has also been targeted for deep panchromatic imaging by ultraviolet (120-250 nm), optical (360-900 nm), optical/near-infrared (440-1600 nm), near-infrared (1200-2200 nm), mid/far-infrared (3.6-70 μm), and radio (6-20 cm). A typical galaxy in our sample is MB = -19.82. The ultraviolet to mid-infrared portion of their SEDs are found to be bracketed by two stellar-only model SEDs: (1) an early burst followed by passive evolution and (2) a constant star formation rate since early times. This suggests that few of these galaxies are undergoing major starbursts. Approximately half the galaxies show a mid- to far-infrared excess relative to the model SEDs, consistent with thermal emission from interstellar dust. Two objects have power-law SEDs, indicating that they are dominated by active galactic nuclei; both are detected in X-rays. SEDs, from the ultraviolet to the infrared, follow expected trends: redder SEDs are associated with red U - B, early-type morphology, and low [O II] emission, and vice versa for blue SEDs.

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