
Understanding the geographic occurrence of mosquito species is an important element to addressing public health and nuisance mosquito-related issues, particularly as changing climates and increased global connectivity is likely to facilitate changes in the distribution of mosquitoes and other species. In Charlotte County, FL, routine surveillance of mosquito species for public health in 2019-21 identified 4 mosquito species not previously documented in the county. Aedes pertinax, Anopheles perplexens, Culex declarator, and Cx. interrogator adults were collected and verified to species level. Aedes pertinax and Cx. declarator and were collected in 2019, whereas An. perplexens and Cx. interrogator were documented from collections in 2021. All 4 species were initially visually identified by external morphology and confirmed by sequencing the DNA barcoding region of the cytochrome c oxidase subunit I gene. Apart from native An. perplexens, in which only 1 specimen has been confirmed to date, the 3 newly documented nonnative species are now recognized throughout the county.

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