
The environmental problems of cities arose simultaneously with the cities themselves. Urban settlements in themselves (without special systems) do not correspond to the closed ecological type. The city is a large consumer of various resources, but it has virtually no conditions for waste disposal, recovery of resources. The negative side of urban life is the low quality of the natural environment and its main components - water, air, vegetation, etc .; saturation of its physical, chemical and biological contaminants. In general, the urban way of life generates abiological tendencies and "diseases of civilization". There is a direct relationship between the size of the city and the frequency of the disease. In large industrial cities, the incidence of allergic diseases is 10-20%, and in rural areas only 2-4%. The increase in allergic diseases among children is especially noticeable. The state of the urbanized natural-technogenic geomorphosystem can be assessed using a system of expert assessments, which ultimately allows to identify geomorphosystems with different degrees of resistance to man-made loads. In order to consistently study the state of the urban geomorphosystem and assess the stability of the terrain to man-made loads, it is proposed to carry out research at the following stages: Retrospective step-by-step analysis of the evolution of natural relief and historical-geomorphological territory based on the study of the history of settlement and development of geomorphological objects in the city. Assessment of the current state of the urbanized natural and man-made geomorphosystem. Zoning of the city territory according to the degree of potential geomorphological danger. Development of environmental recommendations and general forecasting of UPTG development taking into account geoecological risk. The retrospective step-by-step analysis of the evolution of natural relief includes two main stages: the study of the formation of the natural subsystem of UPTG in the future city and the stage of formation of natural-technogenic geomorphosystem in connection with urbanization. Based on historical and geomorphological analysis, a general picture of the use of geomorphological objects in the historical stage, three main stages of urbanization, which corresponded to a certain level of man-made loads on the terrain, namely: development without significant landforms (suburban); significant transformation of the relief without significant negative consequences (medieval and new); intensive urbanization with the emergence of zones of geoecological risk (modern). Estimation of the current state of the urbanized natural-technogenic geomorpho-system of logical conditions of the territory from the point of view of their resistance to man-caused influences and determination of the volumes of man-caused loads on the relief. To assess the man-made impact on the topography of the city, an inventory and classification of all sources of man-made impacts was conducted, the nature and intensity of this impact on the topography was studied. The structure of the modern city and the basis of functional zoning of the territory is subject to the same research. Assessment of the degree of man-made impact is carried out on a set of indicators that take into account the level of static and dynamic loads, the degree of relief, the presence and nature of man-made deposits. Static loads were determined by indicators of building density, density of water supply and sewerage mains, capacity of man-made sediments (alluvium, embankments, landfills). The intensity of static loads is estimated according to their types - engineering, construction, operation.

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