
Edge-based and autonomous, deep learning computer vision applications, such as those used in surveillance or traffic management, must be assuredly correct and performant. However, realizing these applications in practice incurs a number of challenges. First, the constraints on edge resources precludes the use of large-sized, deep learning computer vision models. Second, the heterogeneity in edge resource types causes different execution speeds and energy consumption during model inference. Third, deep learning models are known to be vulnerable to adversarial perturbations, which can make them ineffective or lead to incorrect inferences. Although some research that addresses the first two challenges exists, defending against adversarial attacks at the edge remains mostly an unresolved problem. To that end, this paper presents techniques to realize robust and edge-based deep learning computer vision applications thereby providing a level of assured autonomy. We utilize state-of-the-art (SOTA) object detection attacks from the TOG (adversarial objectness gradient attacks) suite to design a generalized adversarial robustness evaluation procedure. It enables fast robustness evaluations on popular object detection architectures of YOLOv3, YOLOv3-tiny, and Faster R-CNN with different image classification backbones to test the robustness of these object detection models. We explore two variations of adversarial training. The first variant augments the training data with multiple types of attacks. The second variant exchanges a clean image in the training set for a randomly chosen adversarial image. Our solutions are then evaluated using the PASCAL VOC dataset. Using the first variant, we are able to improve the robustness of YOLOv3-tiny models by 1–2% mean average precision (mAP) and YOLOv3 realized an improvement of up to 17% mAP on attacked data. The second variant saw even better results in some cases with improvements in robustness of over 25% for YOLOv3. The Faster RCNN models also saw improvement, however, less substantially at around 10–15%. Yet, their mAP was improved on clean data as well.

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