
Many studies on deep neural networks have shown very promising results for most image recognition tasks. However, these networks can often be fooled by adversarial examples that simply add small but powerful distortions to the original input. Recent works have demonstrated the vulnerability of deep learning systems to adversarial examples, but most such works directly manipulate and attack the digital images for a specific classifier only, and cannot attack the physical images in real world. In this paper, we propose the multi-sample ensemble method (MSEM) and most-likely ensemble method (MLEM) to generate adversarial attacks that successfully fool the classifier for images in both the digital and real worlds. The proposed adaptive norm algorithm can craft faster and smaller perturbation than other state-of-the-art attack methods. Besides, the proposed MLEM extended with weighted objective function can generate robust adversarial attacks that can mislead multiple classifiers (Inception-v3, Inception-v4, Resnet-v2, Ince-res-v2) simultaneously for physical images in real world. Compared with other methods, experiments show that our adversarial attack methods not only can achieve higher success rates but also can survive in the multi-model defense tests.

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