
Disturbance of natural ecosystems resulting from the economic development of any region leads to changes in the structure of the vegetation cover. At the beginning of the 21st century, about 70 adventive species were known on the territory of Tyva. To date, the presence of 117 species has been noted in the adventive flora of the region. Most of them are xenophytes, ergasiophytes (departed from culture) – 31 species. According to the degree of naturalization, ephemerophytes predominate – 73 species. The adventive flora of Tuva contains 41 species included in the “List of invasive and potentially invasive species of Siberia” (2014). In comparison with other Siberian regions, there are fewer invasive and potentially invasive species in Tyva, which is associated both with the natural and climatic conditions of the region and with the later economic development of the territory. The most vulnerable to the introduction of alien species were the northern and central regions of the republic, which are characterized by the highest degree of recreational pressure. On the contrary, the outlying territories of the republic, relatively remote from the Central Tuva Basin, are sufficiently protected from the invasion of adventive plants, where, when alien, mainly mesophytic, species are introduced into the flora, the harsh sharply continental climate acts as a limiting factor. The successful introduction of alien species on fallow lands is due to the weakening, up to complete destruction, of natural habitats and plant communities.

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