
Since 2018, we have performed robotic rectal cancer surgery at our institution via the umbilical mini-laparotomy-first approach. In the present technical note, we introduce the advantages of this approach. In this approach, a 3-cm mini-laparotomy and the wound protector attachment are performed prior to port placement for the da Vinci® Xi system. During robotic surgery, the assistant can adjust the location of the camera port within the wound protector. This approach is only different from the standard port placement in terms of the timing of minilaparotomy; therefore, there is no additional cost. This approach has several advantages. 1: Intraabdominal adhesion around the umbilicus can be dissected under direct vision. 2: Robot arm collision can be diminished. 3: The diverting stoma can be located just at the preoperative stoma-site marking. 4: The da Vinci® camera is less likely to be dirty. 5: Assistant ports can be added through the wound protector. However, sometimes interference between the wound protector extends inside the abdomen and other ports can be a problem, especially in small patients. A smaller-size wound protector is thus recommended in such cases. The umbilical minilaparotomy-first approach in robotic rectal cancer surgery is a simple and feasible technique with great advantages for not only ensuring successful robotic surgery but also reducing the stoma-associated complications.

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