
For the repair of syndactyly of the foot, skin grafting is often used to close the skin defect, but open treatment is not common. However, with grafting, an additional scar at the donor site and patchwork-like scar at the recipient site are inevitable. Our aim was to describe the process of epithelialisation and define the indications for open treatment of syndactyly of the foot. The open treatment was used on 16 webs. The texture of epithelialised surface resembled volar skin; the visible scar was mainly at the dorsal edge; and web creep occurred predominantly on the volar side and resembled the natural slope of the commissure. Open treatment is better than skin grafting because of better match of texture without a patchwork-like scar, and it is indicated in cases of simple incomplete syndactyly of the foot that extends proximal to the distal interphalangeal joint.

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