
The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) remains a mostly elusive notion. For universities to genuinely contribute to SoTL, they must delineate clear parameters of engagement. For example, while some engage SoTL at the academic level, others examine it from an institutional policy perspective. Others view it from national and international frameworks that impact teaching and learning in universities. Engaging SoTL at the academic level, this article uses a postgraduate diploma module, Higher Education Context and Policy (mostly attended by university academics from South African universities) to show how a facilitator could draw from learning theories and reflectivity to teach and advance SoTL. More specifically, it demonstrates how a facilitator could mediate the module utilising a social constructivist learning theory perspective.


  • While much attention has been paid to the notion of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) since its first use by Boyer in his 1990 publication, Scholarship Reconsidered: Priorities for the Professoriate, the meaning of this term remains elusive, and it is used differently by different scholars

  • While much has been written on academics and their engagement with teaching, few studies share how academics could draw on both learning theories and reflectivity to advance SoTL

  • This article, uses a postgraduate diploma in a higher education module, Higher Education Context and Policy, to show how a facilitator could draw on both learning theories and reflectivity in mediating a university module while advancing SoTL

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We grant a non-exclusive, non-transferable, individual and limited right to using this document. You are not allowed to alter this document in any way, to copy it for public or commercial purposes, to exhibit the document in public, to perform, distribute or otherwise use the document in public. Engaging SoTL at the academic level, this article uses a postgraduate diploma module, Higher Education Context and Policy (mostly attended by university academics from South African universities) to show how a facilitator could draw from learning theories and reflectivity to teach and advance SoTL. It demonstrates how a facilitator could mediate the module utilising a social constructivist learning theory perspective. Ključne besede: štipendija za poučevanje in učenje, diploma na podiplomskem študiju, teorije učenja, reflektivnost, socialnokonstruktivistična teorija učenja

Learning theories
Reflectivity in teaching and learning
Conceptualising SoTL
The postgraduate diploma in the higher education programme
Application of the social constructivist view and reflectivity
Biographical note
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