
This study compared chemical extraction methods for the prediction of PAH bioaccumulation in ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum) roots in four Manufactured Gas Plant (MGP) historically (>50 years) contaminated soils. The in-vitro methods compared were butanol (BuOH), non-buffered and buffered 2-hydroxypropyl-β-cyclodextrin extractions (HPCD, Buf-HPCD), potassium persulfate oxidation (KPS), solid phase extraction using Tenax resin (Tenax), and polyoxymethylene solid-phase extraction (POM). Extractions were directly compared with bioaccumulation and modelled using equilibrium partitioning theory (EqPT) with a combination of different partitioning parameters (KOC and KOW values) that aimed to improve predictions. The PAH accumulation in plant roots showed good correlation with concentrations in soils, and higher concentrations of the 4–6 ring PAHs compared with 2–3 ring PAHs. Plant accumulation of 16 PAHs in L. multiflorum was estimated within a factor of 5 using direct comparison for all bioaccessibility extraction methods. Accumulation values predicted using the calculation approach depended on the combination of KOC, KOW parameters and root components (total lipid vs total dry weight) used in calculations. Using KOC values derived from historically contaminated soils improved accuracy of predicted total root accumulation although precision was low. The combined contribution of PAH in lipid and carbohydrate root components (total dry weight) overestimated accumulation and a lipid only approach using generic partitioning parameters provided more accurate and precise approximation of bioaccumulation in roots of L. multiflorum in the soils. Overall, Tenax, POM and HPCD-based extractions showed promising results for predicting L. multiflorum root accumulation using the different approaches. This work significantly extends current knowledge for integrating simple chemical extractions into ecological risk assessment frameworks for the prediction of plant PAH bioavailability in historically contaminated soils.

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