
Abstract. Climate models are important tools that are used for generating climate change projections, in which aerosol–climate interactions are one of the main sources of uncertainties. In order to quantify aerosol–radiation and aerosol–cloud interactions, detailed input of anthropogenic aerosol number emissions is necessary. However, the anthropogenic aerosol number emissions are usually converted from the corresponding mass emissions in pre-compiled emission inventories through a very simplistic method depending uniquely on chemical composition, particle size and density, which are defined for a few, very wide main source sectors. In this work, the anthropogenic particle number emissions converted from the AeroCom mass in the ECHAM-HAM climate model were replaced with the recently formulated number emissions from the Greenhouse Gas and Air Pollution Interactions and Synergies (GAINS) model. In the GAINS model the emission number size distributions vary, for example, with respect to the fuel and technology. Special attention was paid to accumulation mode particles (particle diameter dp > 100 nm) because of (i) their capability of acting as cloud condensation nuclei (CCN), thus forming cloud droplets and affecting Earth's radiation budget, and (ii) their dominant role in forming the coagulation sink and thus limiting the concentration of sub-100 nm particles. In addition, the estimates of anthropogenic CCN formation, and thus the forcing from aerosol–climate interactions, are expected to be affected. Analysis of global particle number concentrations and size distributions reveals that GAINS implementation increases CCN concentration compared with AeroCom, with regional enhancement factors reaching values as high as 10. A comparison between modeled and observed concentrations shows that the increase in number concentration for accumulation mode particles agrees well with measurements, but it leads to a consistent underestimation of both nucleation mode and Aitken mode (dp < 100 nm) particle number concentrations. This suggests that revisions are needed in the new particle formation and growth schemes currently applied in global modeling frameworks.

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