
Inadequate coordination mechanisms and capacity to coordinate are limiting factors for maximizing the ability of agriculture to improve nutrition in Sub-Saharan Africa. Effective coordination requires the availability of a platform for stakeholder convening, planning, operationalization of ideas, communication, and accountability. Nigeria's Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development established one such platform to support the institutionalization of nutrition-sensitive agriculture. Platform members include several departments within the Ministry, other ministries, and development partners. While the platform achieved key milestones and fostered collaboration, some gaps remained. This study reports an assessment to understand the perspectives of members of the coordination platform and identify ways of increasing effectiveness. Desk reviews of relevant documents and 18 key informant interviews were conducted. Documents and interview notes were coded and analysed to identify recurring themes. Themes were appraised using a nutrition coordination framework. Sufficiently understanding the nutrition role of representatives' own organization/department and the purpose of the coordination platform and its activities was important for success. The profile and seniority of representing officers also mattered. While the leadership of the Ministry was committed to advancing nutrition through agriculture, the coordination platform could improve its functionality through consistent leadership, increased seniority of member representatives, and appropriate communication. Multisectoral coordination platforms are necessary but do not alone achieve nutrition coordination. Effective leadership and investments in time, strategic orientation, and training are critical to achieving a shared purpose, individual sector fulfilment of nutrition roles, and additional coordination success factors.

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