
The bony window technique refers to cutting the intact bone plate to form a bone window and a free bone block to get access to lesions under the bone. At the end of the surgery, the dislocated bony lid needs to be repositioned to its original position. In endodontic microsurgery, compared with conventional osteotomy, the bony window technique has the advantages of improving the view of surgery and operability, reducing postoperative bone defects, promoting bone healing, and maintaining the integrity of the jaw outline. Accurate positioning and preparation of the bony window are important prerequisites for subsequent operations during the surgery, but it's difficult in some situations, such as when the operative area is located posteriorly or the bone cortex on the lesion surface is thick and intact. What's more, whether the free bone block can be stabilized in situ after repositioning is closely related to the prognosis of the surgery. The complementary application of digital navigation technology and bone cavity filling materials may help to improve the bony window technique and provide more possibilities for the retention of affected teeth in difficult cases.

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