
In 2017-18, the studies of the new Banjo Forte, SC fungicide at 3 rates of 0.8, 0.9 and 1.0 l/ha against Phytophthora infestans were continued in various soil and weather conditions of Russia on potato varieties viz. Udacha, Gala and Sylvana (Dolzhenko, 2009). In 2016-17 studies on the effectiveness of Sercadis, SC in rates of 0.2 and 0.25 l/ t against Rhizoctonia sp. were conducted on the varieties namely Udacha, Labella, Rosara, Zhukovskyearly in Leningrad, Tambov and Volgograd regions when applied on tubers before planting. The studies showed that fungicide Banjo Forte, regardless of rates, was highly effective against P. infestans in various phytosanitary conditions, providing safety of the crop, and increasing its marketable qualities. Sercadis, SC in rates of 0.2 and 0.25 l/t was highly effective in protecting potato against Rhizoctonia sp. in various stages of infestation of tubers each year of the study. It’s effectiveness on plants reached to 85.8 to 91.5% in Tambov region, 73.3 to 100% in Leningrad region and 62.7 to 68.3% in Volgograd region, with disease development on plants in control being at 10.0 to 19.4%. The fungicide protected the tubers against Rhizoctonia sp. Up to 73.7 to 100% (Leningrad region) and 81.1 to 84.8% (Tambov region). Applying of the fungicide on bottoms of furrows in rates of 0.7 and 0.83 l/ha had a positive effect on crop yield and quality of grown tubers.

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