
Water-associated or water-related infectious disease outbreaks are caused by pathogens such as bacteria, viruses, and protozoa, which can be transmitted through contaminated water sources, poor sanitation practices, or insect vectors. Low- and middle-income countries bear the major burden of these infections due to inadequate hygiene and subpar laboratory facilities, making it challenging to monitor and detect infections in a timely manner. However, even developed countries are not immune to these diseases, as inadequate wastewater management and contaminated drinking water supplies can also contribute to disease outbreaks. Nucleic acid amplification tests have proven to be effective for early disease intervention and surveillance of both new and existing diseases. In recent years, paper-based diagnostic devices have made significant progress and become an essential tool in detecting and managing water-associated infectious diseases. In this review, we have highlighted the importance of paper and its variants as a diagnostic tool and discussed the properties, designs, modifications, and various paper-based device formats developed and used for detecting water-associated pathogens.

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