
Although Ven Te Chow was more well known for his scholarly contributions in the field of hydrology and water resources, his book entitled Open-Channel Hydraulics , published in 1959, has unquestionably been established as a classic book in hydraulics. In terms of thoroughness and extensiveness in coverage and information, it has not been surpassed by any of the open-channel hydraulics books published after 1959. Even today, nearly a quarter of a century after its publication, most of the material presented in Open-Channel Hydraulics still remains current and fresh. Nevertheless, within one generation, considerable advances have been made in the field of open-channel hydraulics. As expected, there have been numerous investigations into various aspects of open-channel flows, especially through the use of high-speed digital computers. Some of the significant advances in open-channel flow are briefly reviewed in this article, including: fundamental derivation of the basic, general open-channel flow equations; flow resistance over rigid boundaries; fluvial hydraulics (alluvial bed forms and sediment transports); mathematical models for steady and unsteady gradually varied flows; flood routing for dam breaks; hydraulic jumps; environmental hydraulics; and secondary currents in open-channel flows. The purpose of this article is to list some of the advances in open-channel flow, published since Dr. Chow's text: Open-Channel Hydraulics . This article does not attempt to comprehensively review all the advances made in this area of study. Although over 150 articles have been listed, the remarkable fact is that the content that comprises the main theme of Dr. Chow's book has not been surpassed. This clearly indicates that the great majority of his book still remains current and valid after 23 years of intensive research. Great advances in the study of fluvial hydraulics and mathematical modeling through the use of digital computers, the two major areas discussed in this article, have occurred since the publication of Dr. Chow's book in 1959. It was certainly a great pleasure for the writers to have known this giant in the field of water resources, hydrology, and hydraulics.

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