
Body fluids are one of the most encountered types of evidence in any crime and are commonly used for identifying a person's identity. In addition to these, they are also useful in ascertaining the nature of crime by determining the ty pe of fluid such as blood, semen, saliva, urine etc. Body fluids collected from crime scenes are mostly found in degraded, trace amounts and/or mixed with other fluids. However, the existing immunological and enzyme-based methods used for differentiating these fluids show limited specificity and sensitivity in such cases. To overcome these challenges, a new method utilizing microRNA expression of the body fluids has been proposed. This method is believed to be non-destructive as well as sensitive in nature and researches have shown promising results for highly degraded samples as well. This systematic review focuses on and explores the use and reliability of miRNAs in body fluid identification. It also summarizes the researches conducted on various aspects of miRNA in terms of body fluid examination in forensic investigations.

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