
Recent advancements in AI-driven technologies, particularly in protein structure prediction, are significantly reshaping the landscape of drug discovery and development. This review focuses on the question of how these technological breakthroughs, exemplified by AlphaFold2, are revolutionizing our understanding of protein structure and function changes underlying cancer and improve our approaches to counter them. By enhancing the precision and speed at which drug targets are identified and drug candidates can be designed and optimized, these technologies are streamlining the entire drug development process. We explore the use of AlphaFold2 in cancer drug development, scrutinizing its efficacy, limitations, and potential challenges. We also compare AlphaFold2 with other algorithms like ESMFold, explaining the diverse methodologies employed in this field and the practical effects of these differences for the application of specific algorithms. Additionally, we discuss the broader applications of these technologies, including the prediction of protein complex structures and the generative AI-driven design of novel proteins.

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