
AbstractPrinted circuit board (PCB) is widely used in electronic packaging and plays a role in supporting the electronic components by providing electrical connections for the circuit’s functionality. Various types of surface finishes are often applied onto the Cu pad of the PCB to protect the Cu pad prior to the soldering process. Furthermore, the application of surface finishes is to ensure good solderability. An intermetallic compound (IMC) layer formed between the PCB pad and solder materials during the soldering process. The IMC layer becomes a concern in the electronic industry as higher growth of the IMC layer could affect the solder joint reliability. Thus, controlling the IMC layer growth becomes one of the interest points. The modification of the PCB surface by introducing a few types of surface finishes significantly affected the controlling the IMC layer growth.KeywordsSurface finishPrinted circuit boardIntermetallic compoundSolderingImSnImAgENIGOSP

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