
One promising way to use quantum information to secure everyday communication is through the distribution of quantum keys. By exchanging a secret key, the Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) approach allows two parties to communicate securely.BB84 protocol is among the most well-known QKD protocols. In this protocol, qubits are exchanged via a quantum channel between the sender and the receiver. This enables them to produce a shared key that is impenetrable to eavesdroppers and illustrate the fundamental ideas of QKD using current simulations and implementations. The results of this study demonstrate that the BB84 protocol is a highly secure QKD technique that has been investigated in great detail and used in a variety of contexts. Additionally, over the enhancements made to the BB84 protocol such as the use of advanced error correction techniques and decoy states to increase its security and usability is discussed. With an emphasis on the BB84 protocol in secure communication technologies, this study offers an extensive analysis of QKD systems overall.

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