
Abstract Walkaway VSP (WVSP) data plays a major role in reservoir delineation and characterization. High-resolution VSP data can be integrated with surface seismic data to provide detailed descriptions of formation properties and identification of reservoir compartments, which are not possible with surface seismic data alone. This present study is from an area in the deep water of the Krishna-Godavari basin. Advanced processing of deep water WVSP data has been done to delineate the small scale faults, if any, which may interfere with the fluid flow and cannot be clearly visible on surface seismic data and to understand compartmentalization and fluid continuity within the zone of interest. From the WVSP pre-survey modeling, 28 geophone levels at 10 meter receiver spacing and 2 profiles of 8 km. length were designed. A vector migration algorithm was applied to image the 3 component VSP data, to enhance the image quality. Multiple-View migration has been applied, which produces a much wider image zone then conventional VSP migration using primary reflections only.The image result presented in this paper shows how the walkaway VSP is able to identify detailed stratigraphic and structural geological features with greater resolution than surface seismic data.

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