
Introduction: As the COVID-19 pandemic continued, pharmacy experiential training shifted dramatically, including healthcare facilities-oriented training. The curriculum development committee at the Faculty of Pharmacy at Libyan International Medical University put a proposal to facilitate virtual case discussions and to create teaching materials that could be utilized for virtual clinical rotations during Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experience. Aim: This study aimed to investigate the Pharm-D preceptors’ and students’ perception toward the virtual training experience during the Covid-19 era. Method: Curriculum Development Committee members and preceptors at the Faculty of Pharmacy met regularly to develop a training strategy that covers intended training skills and competencies. Cases were collected from Benghazi hospitals with all filed investigations and management information. Cases manuals and specifications were created for each rotation; preceptor guide and reference guidelines were developed for each case; and case-based discussion session guide and evaluation forms were announced to students. Accordingly, cases were implemented in virtual training as case-based discussion session, via MOODLE. During the session, each student shares his/her knowledge and information with colleagues and preceptor by answering the guiding questions structured in the patient data care form to cover six aspects including; problem identification, desired outcome, therapeutic alternatives, optimal plan, outcome evaluation, and patient education. At the end of the session, the preceptor summarises the discussion and evaluates the students using a predesigned evaluation form noting that oral feedback is provided by all parties. Results: Motivation, performance, and outcomes gained by students during the virtual training experience reflect its success. Conclusion: The adaptability of the virtual training package by the Faculty of Pharmacy, is well established in terms of available scenario creation and simulation training. The next step is to include these virtual cases -collected from real-life situations- within MyDispense in its new version.

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