
Abstract: As the climatic conditions are changing rapidly, the winters are getting much colder, especially in northern region and the western region of India. Since we developed a smart army jacket using control media devices such as, GPS, SENSORS in the jacket. The smart army jacket aims for providing reliable health monitoring as well as position tracking of soldier. Some of climatically conditions are led to unfortunate deaths of soldiers. This jacket can automatically sense the temperature inside, outside using temperature sensors. We are using coils for heating purpose and the temperature of the coil will depends on the outer temperature. GPS, the models used for communication purpose. Hence for monitoring the health and the heart rate of the soldier health monitoring equipment sensors are been establish in the jacket as well. In enemy territory soldiers not only have to deal with the physical threat, but also with stress and fatigue caused by protracted operations or lack of sleep. so for the security purpose we need a tool for remote soldier performance and health monitoring. so in this project a tool are implemented using bio medical sensors like heartbeat sensor, temperature sensor for health monitoring purpose by using the microcontroller.

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