
Work in Phase II has concentrated on: (a) adapting a commercially available automotive oxygen sensor for use in the boiler control system; ( b.) developing a commercially oriented dense-phase coal transport system; (c.) designing, fabricating, testing, and fine tuning an improved burner for better combustion efficiency; and (d) adding deep-air-staging capabilities to the new burner to decrease NO{sub x} emissions to slightly above 0.4 lb-NO{sub x}/MBtu with ultra fine coal. This performance is considerably better than the DOE goal for Phase 11 work. Reburning tests were conducted using ultra fine coal and propane in the external, water-cooled 15-foot long test duct. When propane supplied approximately 14% of the heat input, NO{sub x} levels were as low as 0.295 lb-NO{sub x}/MBtu. Initial testing of the UTSI boiler control and automation system was successful.

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