
Echocardiography is one of the most used medical imaging exams. The data from these exams are often used to compute quantitative metrics of cardiac health including measures such as the global longitudinal strain (GLS) or ejection fraction. Metrics related to blood flow are also derived from echocardiography data. These metrics have great potential because ideally, they provide quantitative biomarkers to monitor cardiac function over time and compare patient function to population values. Unfortunately, echocardiography data is often severely corrupted by various forms of acoustic clutter including wavefront aberration, reverberation and off-axis scattering from bright structures like the ribs and lungs. These sources of clutter degrade ultrasound image quality and corrupt the ability to derive reliable quantitative biomarkers of cardiac function. To resolve problems like these, we have been developing non-linear (mathematically) beamformers. These include our aperture domain model image reconstruction (ADMIRE) beamformer and, more recently, our deep neural network beamformer. We have shown that these beamformers are able to reduce errors related to wavefront aberration, reverberation and off-axis scattering, and also that the ADMIRE beamformer can eliminate the underestimation of global longitudinal strain caused by high levels of stationary reverberation caused by the chest wall.

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