
Direct alcohol fuel cells (DAFCs) need their anode electrocatalyststo be improved in order to reach performance levels sufficient forpractical applications of electric vehicles and portable electronicdevices. This chapter focuses on the recent advancement in theanode catalysis of DAFCs. First, new developments in Pt-basedcatalysts, Pd-based catalysts and other non-noblemetal catalysts arereviewed. Then the support materials aiming to enhance the activityand durability of the catalysts for the alcohol oxidation reactions arediscussed in detail. Particularly, the performance issues associatedwith a variety of carbon supporting materials such as carbonnanotubes (CNTs), carbon nanofibers (CNFs), mesoporous carbonand graphene, as well as non-carbonaceous-based materials such asconducting polymers and hybrid supports materials are analyzed.It is emphasized that open-surface structures of nanocrystalswith high surface energy and high density of low-coordinatedstep and kink atoms are crucial to their catalysis applications.Considering the importance of material structures, this chapter alsosummarizes the recent progress on the surface shape-controlledsynthesis of metallic nanostructures and their crucial role foralcohol electro-oxidation. Finally, several research and development(R&D) directions for new DAFCs anode catalysts are also suggestedin this chapter to facilitate the research and development in thisimportant area.

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