
Introduction: The Advanced Directives Document (ADD) is a bioethical quality benchmark for healthcare and assurance of compliance with the rights of autonomy, self-determination and dignity of the patient. This document was established over the past decade and currently there is no evidence about the attitudes and knowledge of the healthcare professionals with regards to the use of this tool in clinical practice in Colombia.
 Objective: To describe the knowledge and experiences of healthcare professionals members of six Colombian Scientific Societies regarding the right to sign an ADD and explore the barriers to its applicability in clinical daily practice.
 Methods: Descriptive, cross-sectional study conducted using an anonymous and voluntary e-survey with the participation of six Colombian Medical Societies. A questionnaire was designed comprising five groups of variables: general, ADD knowledge, medical experiences and personal experiences regarding advanced directives and potential obstacles to its implementation.
 Results: 533 professionals participated in the survey. 54 % (n = 286) expressed their lack of awareness about the fact that there is law governing the ADD in Colombia; 34.33 % (n = 183) said they were familiar with the requirements of the document. Over the last year, 24 % of the professionals received one or more ADDs from their patients. Only 11.7 % of healthcare practitioners had themselves completed an ADD. 77.1 % of the professionals surveyed believe that the number of individuals with an ADD has not changed after the approval and regulation of the right to an advanced directives document. 86.6 % of the practitioners said they respected the ADD, notwithstanding the fact that the patient could benefit otherwise.
 Conclusions: The overall perception of healthcare professionals with regards to the number of ADDs signed by patients is that the number has not changed after the approval of the Law in Colombia. This study evidenced that medical practitioners have a poor knowledge about the ADD and that there is a need to educate healthcare professionals about the ADD and to promptly implement institutional programs about Planning of Advanced Directives (PAD). Both strategies are challenging for the applicability of AD in Colombia.

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