
Over the last several decades, the need inasmuch as wireless communication has skyrocketed. The next generation appropriate to communication, known as 5G, will soon be in widespread use throughout the globe. It is predicted that the sixth-generation (6G) wireless communications system would be deployed between 2027 also 2030 with complete support inasmuch as artificial intelligence. More capacity greater data rate also lower latency; better security also enhanced quality appropriate to service. (QoS) are some essential challenges that need towards be solved beyond 5G, compared towards the 5G system. in this study, the future network architecture appropriate to 6G wireless communication is described. Al, terahertz communication also wireless optical technology is some appropriate to the emerging technologies discussed in this article. Other topics coved include block chain, three dimensional networking also quantum communications, unmanned aerial vehicles, cell free communication, integrated wireless information also energy transfer, integrated sensing also communications, integrated wireless information also energy transfer, integrated sensing also communication, dynamic network slicing, also backscatter coherence. In addition, 6G communication requirements also potential technologies inasmuch as envisaged applications are discussed. On the way towards accomplishing this aim, we’ll discuss possible roadblock also new paths inasmuch as study.

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