
Whereas adversarial training can be useful against specific adversarial perturbations, they have also been proven ineffective in generalizing towards attacks deviating from those used for training. However, we observe that this ineffectiveness is intrinsically connected to domain adaptability, another crucial issue in deep learning for which adversarial domain adaptation appears to be a promising solution. Consequently, we propose Adv-4-Adv as a novel adversarial training method that aims to retain robustness against unseen adversarial perturbations. Essentially, Adv-4-Adv treats attacks incurring different perturbations as distinct domains, and by leveraging the power of adversarial domain adaptation, it aims to remove the domain/attack-specific features. This forces a trained model to learn a robust domain-invariant representation, which in turn enhances its generalizability. Extensive evaluations on Fashion-MNIST, SVHN, CIFAR-10, and CIFAR-100 demonstrate that a model trained by Adv-4-Adv based on examples crafted by simple attacks (e.g., FGSM) can be generalized to more advanced attacks (e.g., PGD), and the performance exceeds state-of-the-art proposals on these datasets.

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