
This paper argues that an andragogical approach to teaching and learning in higher education in Nigeria has become necessary if the goals prescribed by the National Policy on Education as regards tertiary education are to be achieved. Going by the current practice in some tertiary education institutions, students are seen as passive learners and teachers as “masters” of all knowledge. This posture naturally promotes 'banking learning' which views learners as banks within whom knowledge is deposited to be withdrawn at a later date. Since an approach such as this is inimical to the achievement of the goals of tertiary education in Nigeria, the paper advocates for the adoption of adult learning principles by teachers of higher institution of learning. Adult learning principle which is based on andragogy theory propounded by Malcolm Knowles sees learners as autonomous and self-directed; experienced; goal-oriented; relevancy-oriented; practical-oriented individuals. The paper ends by giving selective examples of how adult learning principles may be applied to higher education teaching to achieve the goals enunciated within the Nigeria National Policy on Education.

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