
A brief summary of dilational surface viscoelatic properties of spread and adsorbed surfactant polymer films at the air-water interface is reported. The viscoelastic moduli have been measured as a function of frequency and surface pressure. The combination of several techniques, oscillating drop and barrier experiments and electrocapillary waves (ECW), has allowed us to investigate a broad frequency range. The dynamic elasticity epsilon shows a slight change with frequency and a noticeable pressure dependence for both kinds of monolayers. In the spread films, elasticity increases steeply with surface pressure, and reaches a constant value before the polymer begins to dissolve into the bulk. On the other hand, the adsorbed films exhibit a pronounced elasticity maximum, followed by a considerable decay when a loose surface structure is formed. The position of the maximum depends on the polymer chemical composition and molecular weight. The results on the overlapping surface pressure range confirm the dynamic equivalence of spread and adsorbed monolayers. At low surface concentration, the agreement between static and dynamic elasticity is quite satisfactory, but the values diverge considerably at higher surface pressures. The loss modulus omegakappa decreases monotonically with increasing omega, becoming zero (it can even take apparent negative values) for the highest frequencies. The frequency dependence of the elasticity has been well described by the diffusive control model of Lucassen-van den Tempel (LVT). However, its predictions for omegakappa do not coincide with the experimental data. The differences between experimental and theoretical values increase at low frequencies.

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