
The paper presents the results of experimental study of the adsorption properties of the combined sulfhydril collecting reagent –a mixed solution of sodium diethyl-dithiocarbamate (DEDTC) and oxypropyl diethyl-dithiocarbamate ester (OPDTC) towardschalcopyrite and arsenopyrite with a view to its application as a selective collector of Au-containing sulfide minerals in flotationof complex refractory ores. Combined diethyl-dithiocarbamate solution (DEDTCc) incorporated a fixed content of anionic andnon-ionic components (DEDTC:OPDTC = 1:1) and occurred variable hydrophobic effect on the surface of the basic gold-bearingsulfide minerals – chalcopyrite and arsenopyrite.The mechanism of adsorption of the components of combined collector on the surface of chalcopyrite and arsenopyrite was identifiedto form characteristic molecular shape of adsorbed collector convex neoplasms and sinter chemically adsorbed film of thereactant, which is firmly anchored on the surface. The newly formed phase of the adsorbed reagent did not dissolve in water at asubsequent washing. In this case, the phase of nonionic ester OPDTC was partially removed by water and the residual adsorbeddroplets changed their shape and became flatter. By X-ray microanalysis C and O bands relating to the structure of the combinedDEDTCc were identified on the surface of arsenopyrite and chalcopyrite. The original technic for analyzing the liner dimension ofsurface images with an application of scanning laser microscopy and the software of the Analyzer was developed and the authorssucceeded to provide a quantitative evaluation of the adsorption of DEDTCc on the surface of chalcopyrite and arsenopyrite.

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