
Product gas analysis using quadrupole mass spectrometer (QMS) and infrared reflection absorption spectroscopy (IRAS) have been performed to investigate the catalytic decomposition of formic acid on NiO(111) film grown on Ni(111) surface under steady-state conditions and the results have been compared with the previous results obtained in vacuum condition. The rates of the catalytic reactions as measured by product gas analysis at various pressures of formic acid and also at different substrate temperatures revealed two reaction paths for the decomposition of surface formate under equilibrium with gas-phase formic acid. The dehydrogenation producing H2 and CO2 with the activation energy of 22 ± 2 kJ/mol was preferred even at the low temperature of 373 K over the dehydration producing CO and H2O which occurred at a higher temperature of above 423 K with the activation energy of 16 ± 2 kJ/mol, where the activation energy refers to the reaction of formic acid in gas phase to the product substances. The appare...

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