
Congo red is one of dyes-stuff in textile industry wastwater. If it is thrown directly without waste management process, the dyes could pollute environtment, especially soil. Humin has OH phenolic and carboxylic functional group which can interacted with congo red. The aim of this study is recognize humin characteristic from the soil of Baturraden resin forest, determine the adsorption capacity and isotherm adsorption pattern of congo red by humin from the soil of Baturraden resin forest. Humin in this study is isolated from the soil of Baturraden resin forest. soil cleared of gravel and dirt, then it extracted by using NaOH of nitrogen atmosphere and purified to applies mixture HCl:HF. Humin that is obtained is used to be interacted with dyes with various contact time, various of pH and concentration of congo red so that the adsorption capacities and isotherm adsorption pattern can be obtained. Result of the study showed that the humin has water content 34.92 %, dust content 8.64 %, total acidity 475 cmol/Kg, carboxylic rate 272.5 cmol/Kg, and OH Phenolic rate 202.5 cmol/Kg. The optimum contact time of congo red adsorption by humin is 40 minutes, with optimum pH is 7, adsorption capacities 57.14 mg/g and isotherm adsorption pattern of congo red by humin is follow the pattern of Langmuir isotherm adsorption.


  • Congo red is one of dyes-stuff in textile industry wastwater

  • carboxylic functional group which can interacted with congo red. The aim of this study is recognize humin

  • isotherm adsorption pattern of congo red by humin from the soil

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Bahan-bahan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah tanah hutan damar Desa Ketenger Kecamatan Baturraden, NaOH, HCl, gas N2, campuran HF dengan HCl, Ba(OH)2.8H2O, Ba(CH3COO), zat warna congo red, akuades. Humin bebas air dipanaskan dengan tungku furnace pada temperatur 450oC selama 8 jam, berat sampel sebelum dan sesudah dipanaskan dicatat. Suspensi yang terbentuk disaring kemudian residu dibilas dengan aquades bebas CO2, filtrat dan air bilasan digabung lalu dititrasi secara potensiometri dengan larutan standar HCl 0,2 N hingga pH 8,4. Sebanyak 20 mg humin dimasukkan ke dalam erlenmeyer dan ditambahkan 10 mL larutan Ba(CH3COO) 0 M dan 40 mL aquades bebas CO2. Dalam waktu yang sama juga dilakukan terhadap larutan blangko yaitu 10 mL larutan Ba(CH3COO) 0 M dan 40 mL destilat bebas CO2 kemudian larutan dishaker selama 24 jam pada suhu kamar. Kandungan gugus fungsional humin yang ditentukan adalah gugus karboksilat (-COOH) dan –OH fenolat. Humin kotor dan humin yang telah dimurnikan dikarakterisasi menggunakan metode spektroskopi infra merah untuk mengetahui gugus fungsinya

Adsorpsi Congo Red pada Humin Penentuan waktu kontak optimum
HASIL DAN PEMBAHASAN Karakteristik Humin
Penentuan kadar air dan kadar abu
Keasaman total
Adsorpsi Zat Warna Congo Red oleh Humin
Isoterm Adsorpsi
Isoterm Langmuir Persamaan isoterm Langmuir adalah
University of Chemical
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