
We find AdS5 solutions holographically dual to compactifications of six- dimensional mathcal{N} = (1, 0) supersymmetric field theories on Riemann surfaces with punctures. We simplify a previous analysis of supersymmetric AdS5 IIA solutions, and with a suitable Ansatz we find explicit solutions organized in three classes, where an O8-D8 stack, D6-and D4-branes are simultaneously present, localized and partially localized. The D4-branes are smeared over the Riemann surface and this is interpreted as the presence of a uniform distribution of punctures. For the first class we identify the corresponding six-dimensional theory as an E-string theory coupled to a quiver gauge theory. The second class of solutions lacks D6-branes and its central charge scales as n5/2, suggesting a five-dimensional origin for the dual field theory. The last class has elements of the previous two.

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