
We investigate an AdS_4 x L_2 D5-brane in AdS_5 x X_5 space-time, in the context of AdS/dCFT correspondence. Here, X_5 is a Sasaki-Einstein manifold and L_2 is a submanifold of X_5. This brane has the same supersymmetry as the 3-dimensional N=1 superconformal symmetry if L_2 is a special Legendrian submanifold in X_5. In this case, this brane is supposed to correspond to a superconformal wall defect in 4-dimensional N=4 super Yang-Mills theory. We construct these new string backgrounds and show they have the correct supersymmetry, also in the case with non-trivial gauge flux on L_2. The simplest new example is AdS_4 x T^2 brane in AdS_5 x S^5. We construct the brane solution expressing the RG flow between two different defects. We also perform similar analysis for an AdS_3 x L_3 M5-brane in AdS_4 x X_7, for a weak G_2 manifold X_7 and its submanifold L_3. This system has the same supersymmetry as 2-dimensional N=(1,0) global superconformal symmetry, if L_3 is an associative submanifold.

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