
Prof. Adrian David Cheok is Director of the Interaction and Entertainment Research Center, incorporating Mixed Reality Lab, at the Nanyang Technological University in Singapore. He has been working on research covering mixed reality, human-computer interaction, wearable computers and smart spaces, fuzzy systems, embedded systems, power electronics, and multi-modal recognition. He was IEEE Singapore Section Chairman 2003, and is presently ACM SIGCHI Chapter President. In the video interview, you will hear Adrian's answers to the following questions:1. What is mixed reality entertainment?2. Can you tell us about your research on social and physical gaming such as Human Pacman and Age Invaders?3. Tell us about your work on the Internet Pajamas.4. What is your vision for the next generation entertainment technology?5. You are the founder of the Singapore Chapter of the ACM Special Interest Group on Computer-Human Interaction, what do you like most about running the ACM chapter?

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