
The augmentation of ventricular inotropism induced by electrical stimulation of acutely decentralized efferent sympathetic preganglionic axons was reduced, but still present, following administration of hexamethonium (10 mg/kg i.v.). While hexamethonium continued to be administered, the cardiac augmentations so induced were enhanced significantly following administration of the alpha-adrenergic receptor blocking agent, phentolamine myselate (1 mg/kg i.v.). Stimulation of the sympathetic efferent postganglionic axons in cardiopulmonary nerves induced cardiac augmentations that were unchanged following administration of these agents singly or together. The cardiac augmentations induced by stimulation of efferent preganglionic sympathetic axons were unchanged when phentolamine was administered alone. The augmentations of cardiac inotropism induced by efferent postganglionic sympathetic axonal stimulation were decreased following local administration of the beta-adrenergic antagonist timolol into the ipsilateral stellate and middle cervical ganglia. Thereafter, these augmentations were unchanged following the subsequent intravenous administration of phentolamine. It is concluded that the activation of cardiac neurons in the stellate and middle cervical ganglia by stimulation of efferent preganglionic sympathetic axons can be modified by alpha-adrenergic receptors and that these effects are dependent upon beta-adrenergic receptors, not nicotinic ones, in intrathoracic ganglia.

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