
Cystic lesions of the adrenal gland are uncommon and mostly asymptomatic. They demonstrate a spectrum of histological changes and may vary from pseudocysts to malignant cystic neoplasms. Adrenal pseudocysts are rare cystic lesions surrounded by a layer of fibrous tissue that lack a recognizable lining layer. They are most often discovered incidentally during radiological studies or at autopsy. The radiographic appearance of adrenal pseudocysts though characteristic, can be difficult to distinguish an adrenal pseudocyst from an adrenal neoplasm with prominent cystic change, presenting as diagnostic conundrums. Extensive sampling of resected tissues is important to rule out malignancy in patients, with cystic adrenal lesions. Herein, we present a 47- year-old male with a non functional and asymptomatic left adrenal pseudocyst. The literature is reviewed and the different diagnostic and management options are discussed.

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