
Many SMEs (Small and Medium Enterprises) owners still does not understand the importance of Information and Communication Technology (ICT). IT is used in variated field. Nearly all of the SMEs using IT for the administration processes. The government believes that the success of the SMEs development will strengthen the foundation of people's economy, because what is done by the SMEs until today is generally based on local resources, it does not depend on the imported resources. Weaving, in several regions of Indonesia, is flourishing to fulfil the national fashion material demand. The problems from this study are (1) To identify Information and Technology adoption and reviewing the information technology adoption variables on woven fabric SMEs in Indonesia (2) To analyse the connection between information technology adoption variables on woven fabric SMEs in Indonesia (3) To recommend the technology adoption model to the woven fabric SMEs in Indonesia including the implementation. The aims of this study is to give a recommendation through technology information adoption model which moderated by the Cloud SaaS to encourage the competitiveness of woven fabric SMEs in Indonesia. The total sample from all the woven fabric SMEs in Indonesia is 83 units as measured with census sampling technique because not all province had woven fabric SMEs.

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