
The purpose of this study is to give background information and empirical evidence on the determinants in adoption of improved wheat technologies and its contribution to wheat yield in Janamora District. In the study area, there is lack of empirical study on the adoption and contribution improved seed to wheat yield .To fill this gap and achieve the objectives this study used the quantitative research method with cross-sectional survey data collected from randomly selected 278 sampled households which are determined based on simple random techniques.The descriptive statistics result show that from the total 278 respondents only 42.81% farm household were adopters and 57.19% of the respondents were non adopter. The chi-square test show that there is significant relation between access to credit, extension services, sex of household head and the mean land size, annual income, number of ox are higher for adopter than non-adopters. Beside this study has used the logit, Tobitand OLS methods are used to identify significant factors that affect the use of improved wheat technology, the intensity use of improved wheat seed.The econometric estimation result of the models show that adoption and intensity of improved wheat technology was significantly and positively affected by, literacy level of the household head, number of oxen, land holding size, total income, access to extension services and access to credit but negatively related with lack of labor force. It was concluded that improved wheat technology adoption had significant contribution to wheat yield. The empirical result of this study, the improved wheat technology is an important means of improving farm yield. Moreover, to adopt the technology factors such as literacy, land size, number of ox, total income, extension services and credit access are focus of attention.

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