
Objective: The main objective of this article is to develop climate-related disclosure indicators that are applicable to the Brazilian business context. Method: The Delphi method was used to achieve this objective, involving several experts representing various user groups that influence the formulation of accounting standards in Brazil. The Delphi method is a decision-making tool that establishes an effective communication process, facilitating the resolution of complex problems. Result and Conclution: As a result, 40 climate-related disclosure indicators were mapped based on the results of two Delphi rounds. Overall, 52.5% (21/40) of climate-related disclosure indicators were identified as highly applicable. Among these highly relevant indicators, there were 10% (2/21) of Governance, 24% (5/21) of Strategy, 42% (9/21) of Risk Management and 24% (5/21) of Quality Indicators. Metrics and Goals. Furthermore, around 20% (8/40) of climate-related disclosure indicators received 100% approval from experts. Research implications: Os resultados deste estudo fornecem contribuições práticas para os órgãos de normatização nacionais, visando a criação de normas de divulgação relacionadas ao clima mais eficientes e menos onerosas para as empresas brasileiras. Esta melhoria enfatiza a relevância dos resultados do estudo para a elaboração de normas de divulgação relacionadas ao clima no contexto brasileiro. Originality/value: Brazil is currently in the process of preparing the bases for adopting sustainability standards issued by the International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB). Before this new standard is implemented effectively, the Federal Accounting Council (CFC) and the Brazilian Sustainability Pronouncements Committee (CBPS) recognized the importance of harmonizing the main disclosure indicators of this standard with Brazilian regulations and business characteristics. . In this case, the contribution of several thematic working groups may be necessary, especially with regard to the mechanism that allows entities with varying capabilities and levels of preparation to apply this new standard. This study made an academic contribution by demonstrating the use of the Delphi method as a corroboration tool for defining an accounting standard.

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