
Abstract: In recent years, the emergence of blockchain technology (BT) has become a novel, most disruptive, and trending technology. The redistributed database in BT emphasizes data security and privacy. Also, the consensus mechanism makes positive that data is secured and bonafide. Still, it raises new security issues like majority attacks and double-spending. To handle the said problems, data analytics is required on blockchain-based secure knowledge. Analytics on these data raises the importance of arising technology Machine Learning (ML). ml involves the rational quantity of data to create precise selections. data reliability and its sharing are terribly crucial in ml to enhance the accuracy of results. the combination of those two technologies (ML and BT) provide give highly precise results. in this paper, present gift a detailed study on ml adoption we BTbased present applications additional resilient against attacks. There area unit varied ancient ML techniques, for example, Support Vector Machines (SVM), clustering, bagging, and Deep Learning (DL) algorithms like Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) and Long STM (LSTM) are often used to analyze the attacks on a blockchain-based network. Further, we tend to embody however each the technologies are often applied in many sensible applications like unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV), sensible Grid (SG), healthcare, and sensible cities. Then, future analysis problems and challenges are explored. At last, a case study is presented with a conclusion. Keywords: Blockchain, machine learning, smart grid, data security and privacy, data analytics, smart applications.

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