
The issue of land governance is central to the New Urban Agenda and 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda. Earlier studies have extensively reported the failure of land governance in different African cities. However, none of these studies has examined possible (in)consistencies between residents' expectations and the acutal performance of land governance based on the opinion of residents, who are usually victims of land maladministration. Therefore, this study adopted the Importance-Performance Analysis (IPA) model to examine the performance of land governance indicators relative to the level of importance (expectations) in Ibadan peri-urban areas. Approximately 514 household heads across residential neighbourhoods from four peri-urban local government areas of Ibadan were sampled, and 452 questionnaires (87.9%) were retrieved for analysis. The analysis reveals that land governance underperformed when compared with residents’ expectations. In particular, some key governance indicators such as efficiency, transparency, control of corruption, and land rights recognition were highly important to the residents but on the contrary, performed very weakly and unsatisfactorily. Thus, going by the IPA model, these are the governance issues that should be given utmost attention to further improve land governance performance in the Ibadan peri-urban areas.

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