
Problem: Environmental conscience needs spaces of reflection on health. Objective: To know, in school space, the adolescents' perception on environmental health. Method: This is a descriptive-exploratory study with qualitative approach carried out a Fundamental Education School of a municipal district of Ceará-Brazil with seventeen adolescents in March 2009. The instruments and procedures used were observation, field diary, tape recorder and group approach. In the group approach the students elaborated music lyrics, parodies or poems. The data analysis was based on the discursive practices. Results: Nurses interfere at the school performing actions related to environmental education in a space of debate and collective growth with adolescents, in other words, they raise in people the responsibility with nature and the concern with new relations committed with the environment. In this research-action it was observed that nurses can be environmental educators, interfering in this area to provide the groups discussions contextualized to their reality, favoring reflections on relations committed with the socio-environmental. Conclusion: It was verified that is necessary to use different collection methods to explore the group technique, because it allows a mutual exchange through the dialogue among adolescents.  

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