
Pangandaran is a tourism place given more impact on behavior sexuality among adolescents. One of the factors that most influence this behavior is attitude. The attitude becomes a stimulus for adolescents in reflecting premarital sexual behavior. This research aimed to find out the adolescent's attitudes towards premarital sexual behavior in SMA X Pangandaran. This research used a descriptive quantitative method with a cross-sectional approach. The study population was adolescents at SMA X Pangandaran with a total of 842 people. The data collection used proportionate stratified random sampling, with the sample counted as 240 students. Data were collected within 2 weeks using BSAS which was distributed online and the validity test was carried out with a score of 0.896 and a reliability test with an Alpha value of 0.861. Data were analyzed by the mean and standard deviation formulas. In this study, adolescent attitudes toward premarital sexual behavior tend to be less accepting about sex (permissiveness) 43,40 ± 5,772, responsible for birth control 11,14 ± 2,820, do not tend to fuse with sex partners (communion) 14, 96 ± 4.892, and do not tend sexual orientation (instrumentality) 18.36 ± 4.007. The majority of students consider premarital sex is not allowed and is a taboo subject to talk about.


  • Pangandaran is a tourism place given more impact on behavior sexuality among adolescents

  • The attitude becomes a stimulus for adolescents in reflecting premarital sexual behavior

  • This research aimed to find out the adolescent's attitudes towards premarital sexual behavior

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ABSTRAK Pangandaran sebagai tempat pariwisata memberi dampak lebih pada perilaku seksualitas di kalangan remaja. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui sikap remaja tentang seks pranikah di SMA X Pangandaran berdasarkan empat dimensi seksual. Pengambilan data menggunakan teknik proportionate stratified random sampling, dengan sampel berjumlah 240 siswa. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dalam kurun waktu 2 minggu menggunakan kuesioner Brief Sexual Attitudes Scale yang didistribusikan secara online serta telah dilakukan uji validitas dengan skor sebesar 0,896 dan uji reliabilitas dengan nilai Alpha sebesar 0,861. Pada penelitian ini sikap remaja terhadap perilaku seks pranikah cenderung kurang menerima hal tentang seks (permissiveness) 43,40 ± 5,772, bertanggungjawab terhadap pengendalian kehamilan (birth control) 11,14 ± 2,82, tidak memiliki kecenderungan melebur bersama pasangan seks (communion) 14,96 ± 4,892, dan tidak memiliki kecenerungan terhadap orientasi hubungan seksual yang menyenangkan (instrumentality) 18,36 ± 4,007, Mayoritas siswa menganggap seks pranikah tidak diperbolehkan dan erupakan hal yang tabu untuk dibicarakan

Pernyataan Kuesioner
Berhubungan dengan Perilaku Seksual
Asertivitas pada Remaja Putri SMK
Berisiko Terhadap Kehamilan Tidak
Yang Berhubungan Dengan Perilaku
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