
The article presents the results of a research project carried out with adolescents. The goal was to comprehend the religiosity of this phase of life. Based on the student’s talk the research showed that the anthropomorphic images of God from infancy are brought into the adolescent phase. The concepts of God are defined based on what they learned and heard in their family, in their community of faith and in their social milieu. The research also showed that adolescents begin to doubt that which up to this point had represented certainty and security. Starting with conflict the external authority of persons and institutions is put into question. A change in the way of imagining God begins to take place: the anthropomorphic figure gives way to undefined and abstract images. Adolescents begin to question and doubt: the system of values, of life and of faith becomes objectified and is examined. Adolescents need a protected space within their family, the school, the community to be able to dialog without suffering prejudice or pre-judgements. They need to be able to doubt and to question, to share their experiences, their fears, their anxieties, their life plans and projects. Adolescents need a space where they can talk, listen and receive orientations on the questions about the meaning of life.

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