
With its launch of this adolescent health Series The Lancet aims to highlight an area of health care that remains neglected marginalised or ignored in many countries. Under the guidance of Glenn Bowes and George Patton from the Royal Childrens Hospital Melbourne Australia--one of the few hospitals with a longstanding tradition and experience of adolescent medicine--The Lancet publishes six papers that put the spotlight on special health issues of adolescents and young people and that argue strongly for a concerted effort to create youth-friendly health services worldwide. Adolescence is a time in life that harbours many risks and dangers but also one that presents great opportunities for sustained health and well-being through education and preventive efforts. In the 21st century young people face an unprecedented situation in many ways. Worldwide there are now an estimated 1.5 billion people aged between 12 and 24 years the largest ever adolescent group. Never before--at least in developed countries--has adolescence if defined by the time from puberty onset to that of an independent responsible role in society been as long as now. Never before was there such a discrepancy between sexual and psychosocial maturity. (excerpt)

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